• 12" X 12" Mosaic Glass Tiles  Shower Detail - American Bath Factory
  • 12" X 12" Mosaic Glass Tiles
  • 12" X 12" Mosaic Glass Tiles  Shower Detail - American Bath Factory
  • 12" X 12" Mosaic Glass Tiles  Shower Detail - American Bath Factory
  • 12" X 12" Mosaic Glass Tiles

12" X 12" Mosaic Glass Tiles

Regular price $14.00

Add extra Mosaic Glass Tiles that match our Mosaic Shower Kits. Complete the look throughout your whole bathroom to create a relaxing spa-like feel for you to enjoy everyday!

The Del Mar and Newport styles have a collage of light, medium and dark gray tiles, three shades of neutral tinted glass tiles and etched glass will match perfectly with our Natural Buff, Wet Cement and Portland Cement Sistine Stone Showers.

The Roma and Tuscany styles have a collage of caramel tinted natural glass tiles, three shades of warm tinted glass tiles and rich warm shades of light glass tiles, three shades of neutral tinted glass tiles will match perfectly with our Desert Sand and Brown Sugar Sistine Stone Showers.

Product colors may not match website or catalog images. 

Order in sets of 5 or 22 tiles.

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