Chip & Dent Bathtubs

We occasionally produce a product that does not meet our strict Quality Control standards. During production some bathtubs get minor scratches to full blemishes. Products that don't pass QC become secondary products or "Blems". This gives our customers a chance to save big on quality made tubs.  Get the same durability and quality of our standard but with slight imperfections, that can no longer be sold as "new" condition.

Imperfections range from C – G grade

C-Grade 30% off) One very slight imperfection, bump or wave. A Hard to find imperfection; A fully functional product.

D-Grade 40% off) one or more slight imperfections, bump or wave. Hard to find imperfection; A fully functional product.

E- Grade 50% 0ff) one or more imperfections, a bump or wave, visibly to customers eye and touch, not in very noticeable location. But Fully functional product.

F-Grade 60% off) one or more imperfections, a bump or wave, visibly to customers eye and touch in a noticeable location. But Fully functional product.

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