Alcove Shower Jewel Collection

This luxury labor intensive pattern brings elegance to a new level. The Jewel accent is built with 1" x 2" rounded smooth rectangle stones, this gives it a pleasant massaging effect on your feet as you bathe. This shower design is perfect for those concern with safety, a superior product in its anti-slip capabilities.
#1 Choice for the Jewel shower design is all Natural Buff, white walls with white accent brings out the intensive look of the Jewel design.

"The texture of the shower is surprisingly comfortable for being anti-slip. By having a such an intense design across the floor and liner, the shower maintains a complex look without the need for different tones in the shower."

Wall Colors
Brown Sugar
Desert Sand
Wet Cement
Portland Cement
Natural Buff
Accent Colors
Espresso Bean
Brown Sugar
Desert Sand
Natural Buff