Alcove Shower Diamond Collection

The Diamond Shower collection has a 4" x 4" Diamond Pattern on the floor and liner. A simple yet elegant design that naturally draws attention to its features.
#1 Choice for the Diamond shower design is Espresso Bean accent with Brown Sugar Walls and trim. The dark accent color brings out the grout lines within the Diamond accent to make it highlight its features.

"Traditions are what some would describe as something that you do that helps you hold on to a previous time, plus it brings all the feels. This is precisely where the Diamond Style came from, the rustic Diamond pattern on the Liner and the Floor was from a shower from an Old World hotel in Spain. It was a time we didn’t want to let go of and now we don’t have to."

Wall Colors
Brown Sugar
Desert Sand
Wet Cement
Portland Cement
Natural Buff
Accent Colors
Espresso Bean
Brown Sugar
Desert Sand
Natural Buff