4x4 Collection

The 4 x 4 Shower collection has a 4" x 4" Diamond Pattern on the floor with a solid liner across the walls. The solid liner showcases the beautiful tone each wall displays with one flat tone look. Each liner is set to match the walls to give a seamless tone throughout the whole shower.
#1 Choice for the 4x4 shower design is Espresso Bean accent with Brown Sugar Walls and trim. The dark accent color brings out the floor by having a contrast with the solid lighter tone walls.

"Some of the best designs are the ones with minimal features. The solid liners really displays the tone of Sistine Stone by having the same tone throughout the entire wall. The floor stands out in this design by having darker features to grab the focus of the viewer."

Wall Colors
Brown Sugar
Desert Sand
Wet Cement
Portland Cement
Natural Buff
Accent Colors
Espresso Bean
Brown Sugar
Desert Sand
Natural Buff